Hampstead Child Whistleblowers

HAMPSTEAD - Satanic Ritual Abuse In #UK - Return 'Whistleblowers' Children! INSTITUTIONAL Satanic Ritual Abuse/sacrifice in Hampstead and the UK, MUST STOP NOW!!! Return 'Whistleblower Kids' and Abuse Survivors of London School to their Family! HAMPSTEAD - Satanic Ritual Abuse In #UK - Return 'Whistleblowers' Children! INSTITUTIONAL Satanic Ritual Abuse/sacrifice in Hampstead and the UK, MUST STOP NOW!!! Return 'Whistleblower Kids' and Abuse Survivors of London School to their Family! Hampstead Whistleblower Kids: Former Detective Sergeat Ray Savage: 'I believe Ella Draper' Recorded at Christ Church, Hampstead, London March 29, 2015. A COVER-UP OF MASS CHILD-RAPE, MASS-MURDER AND CANNIBALISM IN LONDON PRIMARY SCHOOLS. The press in Britain is prohibited from even mentioning the Hampstead abuse scandal other than to badmouth as “evil” torturers its whistleblowers - the children’s mother Ella Gareeva and boyfriend Abe Christie and their leading activists. Hampstead Whistleblower Kids. Please sig the petition.

Hampstead Child Whistleblowers Complaint

HampsteadHampstead child whistleblowers definition

Hampstead Child Whistleblowers Information

Ella Draper has been forced into hiding whilst Ricky Dearman remains free, due to a travesty of justice perpetuated by abusers and a parasitic group of corrupt officials in the United Kingdom. The children are being held against their will by Social Services and are denied access to their innocent mother and loving Russian grandparents.

Hampstead Child Whistleblowers Act

Unbelievably, their father (said to be the cult leader and their main abuser) is allowed contact despite the allegations by his children that he is a child pornographer and sadistic killer.